Thriller #12 Don't Answer the Phone

Don't Answer the Phone was okay, the beginning wasn't really exciting, but the ending was good. Alexandra(Enid) gets calls from this guy that is obsessed with Enid. His name is Travis and he tells her that her friends are making her a shallow person, and he kills a Theta pledge that looks like Jessica. He thought it was Jessica, but it was a pledge that Enid was supposed to show around. He also kills Fred, the boss of the SVU Substance Abuse Hotline because he knew Fred was giving Alexandra a hard time. Alex thought that the guy Travis, was really Noah, her boyfriend because Noah's been giving her a hard time about changing so much from Enid to Alexandra. Alex really thinks that its Noah so she calls the police and they take him in for questioning. But it turns out to be Luke, a guy in her art class. I think he had multiple personalities or something, and Travis like Enid, while Luke likes Alex. Anyway, even if what I wrote sounds confusing, the book wasn't. It was pretty exciting, especially when Travis was in Alex's room and when Alex and Trina, her roommate, finds Fred's body under Alex's bed. I would give this book between *** and **** (3 and 4) stars.


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