#43 The Price of Love

The Price of Love was good. In it, Nick and Jessica have to pretend to break up so they can catch Clay DiPalma because Clay might go after Jessica if he knows she is going out with Nick. So Nick is about go into the police station and tell the cops that Clay killed another cop, but he gets jumped by Clay and his boss first. He manages to escape and tells them Clay killed a cop and that he sells drugs. The cops set Nick up to catch Clay. But Nick knows that since he was jumped right in front of the station, he was close to catching Clay. He and Jessica have to break up even further by Jessica pretending a rookie cop is her boyfriend so he can protect her. In the end, Nick manages to catch them but he knows Clay and his boss have a lot of friends who will go after Nick, so he enters the Witness Protection Program. Even Jessica can't know where and who he is going to be. Jessica is crying and says she won't let it be the end of their relationship and gives Nick her blessing to leave. She promises to herself that she'll track Nick down. This is where the book ended with them. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Tom are back together. But Liz doesn't feel comfortable with Tom any more and thinks that he slept with Dana. To get to the point, near the end of the book, she asks Tom if slept with Dana. Tom laughs really loud and looks at Liz like she's crazy, and says he didn't, which is a lie. Liz, being the trusting person that she is, believes him. Winston and Denise have to show around some high school seniors because the high school principal gives money to the school. It was an all-girls school, and the girls all have crushes on Winston. Denise gets jealous and at the end of the book, she sees Winston kissing another girl. Winston wasn't kissing the girl, she was kissing him, but Denise couldn't tell. She runs off and Winston goes after her to explain. This is where the book ended. I would give it **** (4) stars.


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