#50 Summer of Love

Summer of Love was a good ending to the cross-country trilogy. Todd and Tom are friends, and both are working to keep Sam away from Liz. Sam and Liz went back to their love-hate relationship, and Sam accidentally spits tobacco on her. When Liz was about to fall off a cliff, Sam saved her. The next challenge is to reenact a civil war battle using paint guns. Team 1(Jessica's team) and Team 4 go against Team 2 (Liz's team) and Team 3. Tom thinks that he can make Liz fall back in love with him by taking her prisoner so he can force her to listen to his apology. He fails, but he sees sam on Elizabeth and gets mad. When Liz tripped on a bush and fell down, Sam fell on top of her to protect her, which was his job. He didn't know she tripped on a branch. They both blamed each other for getting them killed because someone from another team hit them with paint. After this event, Liz's team is leading in first place. Jessica's team is last because they were disqualified many times. Jessica and Neil still aren't talking to each other and aren't friends. Jessica gets really mad when Neil accidentally hits her in the head with paint during practice. When Jessica goes shopping, she sees a picture frame she really likes, but Neil beats her to it and buys if first. Jessica's really mad at him again, so they next town they go it and go shopping, she buys everything Neil looks at because she doens't want to be outshopped again. Neil catches on and looks at all the ugly things so that Jessica will buy it. Neil thinks she's afraid of gay people, which he terms homophobic. He then figures out she was mad at being turned down by him, and he makes up with her. They then both spend their last week together as friends and have a fun time shopping. The last trip is to Key West, Florida, where they'll take a prop plane to the last place. It's a rocky trip and Elizabeth instinctively holds Sam's hand because they were forced to sit next to each other. During the flight, they feel something special, and are nice to each other. Everyone on every team thinks the last event is going to be easy because it's the last event. But they find out they have to ride a bike up a steep hill, jump off and jump into water 50 feet below them. Everyone's really scared about doing it. So the night before the event, Liz invites Sam out to dinner, but he turns her down. After Josh talks to him in his sexist way, Sam gets mad and they get in a fight. Sam then realizes he shouldn't have turned Liz down, and goes to say he'll go. But they were snorkeling at the time, so any time he tried to go near her, Tom or Todd would get in his way and block him from swimming to her. Liz finds out about it and tells them both they had no right doing it and should let her choose what to do about it. They apologize. The day of the last event comes, and every team jumps. But on the bike ride up, Jessica's tire goes flat and she has to double up with Neil. Even though her team was the first one in the water, they were disqualified because they weren't allowed to team up. Liz's team comes in second and gets $3,000. Jessica's team loses and they end up getting girst certificates at a house furnishing store. Jessica gets Neil, Todd, and Tom to give her their certificates, and then tells them the same company owns the house store and a designer's store. Neil decides he might transfer to SVU becuase he can't pay for Stanford anymore. Tom gets over Liz and dances with another girl and the dance. Liz and Sam kiss at the end, and are in love. Charlie, the girl who was pregnant, met Scott a while ago, and they decide how to handle things about the baby. I would give this book **** (4) stars. Also, the next book is called Living Together and they said Jessica and Liz live with Neil and Sam.


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